see what we can do for you!

accurate & expert bookkeeping services

Accurate and expert bookkeeping services begin with organization and communication. Our bookkeeping services include:

  • Clean-up or catch-up

  • New Accounting system set up (QuickBooks Online or Desktop, Xero, Wave, Zoho Books, Sage 50, even a hybrid solution - you name it, we’ve done it.)

  • Bank & Credit Card Statement Reconciliations

  • Accounts Payable and Receivable

  • Monthly and Year-end Financial Statements

  • Cash Flow monitoring and reporting

  • General Ledger maintenance and entries

  • Collaborative budget creation & management

  • Job Cost Accounting

  • Inventory Management

  • Quarterly and Annual GET filings

  • Income Tax Return information organization & presentation to your CPA

customized reporting services

Customized reporting to help you track the data that matters most to you. Using your financial data, we create customized reports to help you to make real-time, data-driven decisions. Our reporting services include:

  • Job cost (profit/loss) accounting reports

  • Employee cost accounting reports

  • Employee utilization reports

  • Budget vs Actual, current year or year over year

  • Simple or detailed reports for most aspects of your business

notary services

Sometimes you need a notary to assist with documents. Our Notary services include:

  • In-person notary (we can even come to you!)

  • Remote Online Notary services

  • Loan Document Signings

payroll & time tracking services

Simplified payroll and time tracking services that ensure timely and accurate payments to your employees. Our payroll & time tracking services include:

  • Set up with time tracking software to lessen the administrative burden of tracking your employees’ time

  • Set up with payroll services that make processing easy

  • Customized payroll periods and processing

  • Time tracking that helps you with job cost accounting

  • Payroll Reporting (including W2’s and 1099’s)

  • Vacation and sick pay (or PTO) tracking

  • Customized deductions

  • Quarterly and annual tax filings

human resource services

Human Resource experience and consulting to help you make sure you stay in compliance with state and federal regulations. Our human resource services include:

  • Assistance with establishing or tracking a time-off policy

  • Overtime management

  • Guidance and assistance with Worker’s Compensation claims, TDI claims and Unemployment claims

  • Onboarding assistance, including forms and reporting

Administrative organization services

We can help streamline and organize your administrative processes. Our administrative organization services include:

  • Creating a Best Practices guidebook for all administrative tasks

  • Creating forms and processes to organize and streamline many aspects of small business administration

  • Data storage organization

  • Physical office organization

Lōkahi means unity or harmony. we want to work with you to help you achieve your goals and dreams. we love our island and the people here. we believe that our community can only be strengthened when we work together, in harmony.

contact us today to see what we might be able to achieve, with you!